How to Use Header Bidding

Despite the innovation associated with the adtech area, there are still lots of inadequacies and unreasonable practices that require to be settled. Header bidding is a service that brings marketers and publishers together.

.What Is Header Bidding?

Header bidding is a procedure where lots of marketers all at once quote (in real-time) in a digital auction to win advertisement area on your site. This auction takes place outside your main advertisement server whenever your pages load or whenever an advertisement system revitalizes.

 how header bidding works

For publishers, the main benefit is it assists guarantee you get the very best offers on your advertisement area. To do this, you need to guarantee that you connect to supply-side platforms (SSPs) and other need partners to guarantee you have numerous marketers to bid on your stock.

Header bidding is a more refined method of auctioning off your advertisement stock. While it might be a bit more complicated to carry out than conventional approaches (like waterfall bidding), it has lots of benefits that make it worth the trouble.

.How Header Bidding Works.

Here’’ s how the entire procedure play out when a visitor arrive at a publisher ’ s page:

. A visitor clicks a link that takes them to a web pageAs the page loads, the brief string of JavaScript in the page’’ s header telephones to your need partners or advertisement networksEach need partner positions a quote on the publisher’’ s advertisement inventoryThe winning quote is directed to the publisher’’ s advertisement serverThe publisher ’ s advertisement server then links the user to the marketer ’ s server and shows the winning advertisement.

The procedure might include a number of actions, however it takes less than a 2nd from start to end up.

.Header Bidding Vs. Waterfall Bidding.

One of the most popular techniques of purchasing and offering advertisement area was waterfall bidding. It has actually worked quite well for the previous couple of years, and some publishers are still hesitant to move far from it to welcome header bidding.

The concern, nevertheless, is which is much better: header bidding or waterfall bidding?

To effectively comprehend why it is your much better alternative, we require to briefly take a look at what waterfall bidding is and its cons and pros.

.What Is Waterfall Bidding, and How Does It Work?

Waterfall bidding is among the earliest kinds of programmatic bidding.

Waterfall bidding is an old-school method of advertisement serving in which publishers set a flooring rate for their advertisement area. The publisher sets the top priority for each marketer or advertisement network they’’ re linked to.

When offering advertisement impressions utilizing the waterfall bidding procedure, stock is used to marketers at a repaired minimum rate per impression. The very first advertisement network to bid at that cost gets the slot.

Another crucial element of waterfall bidding is that the bidders wear’’ t get to bid arbitrarily. Networks that rank greater, thanks to greater historic yield, get dibs on bidding.

In a sense, waterfall bidding isn’’ t precise bidding at all.

The most considerable downside of waterfall bidding is that the rate you offer your stock at doesn’’ t always show its real worth.

Advertisement area that stays unsold is handed down to the next advertisement exchange, figured out by size, not the quantity of the quote. The procedure goes on till the stock is offered. It’’ s from this cascading nature of giving stock that the waterfall approach gets its name.

Unfortunately for publishers, this indicates if the runner-up marketer wanted to pay more, the publisher loses out on getting more earnings.

.9 Reasons You Should Use Header Bidding.

You’’ ve most likely observed a couple of benefits that header bidding has (for both marketers and publishers) over other techniques of auctioning off advertisement area.

Some of these advantages consist of:

.1. Header Building Gives Publishers Access to More Advertisers.

For publishers, a considerable benefit of header bidding is it permits you to broaden and diversify the marketers on your website. It makes sure that you’’ re not dependent on a little set of marketers. Doing so assists increase your company’ ’ strength and flexibility.

.2. Fair Bidding.

One of the greatest benefits for marketers is that it levels the playing field. That’’ s since no marketer has a benefit. All quotes are put relatively, and the greatest bidder wins, no matter who they are (and even if they utilize AdEx).

3. Header Building Improves Auction Efficiency.

This kind of bidding uses real-time rates rather of the historic prices utilized by other advertisement auction designs. This makes it much faster and more effective.

.4. Header Bidding Gives You More Control.

For publishers, among the primary benefits is it offers you more control over the sources that can take part in the bidding procedure. As a publisher, you maintain control over your website.

.5. Increased Revenue.

Another factor publishers like header bidding is the increased advertisement earnings. Not just can you charge more for your premium stock, however you are likewise ensured that the greatest bidder wins each time.

6. Enhanced Advertisement Quality.

Thanks to the increased competitors, marketers strive to guarantee their advertisements are high quality and more appropriate to a publisher’’ s audience. Improved advertisement quality assists make sure a much better user experience (UX.)

.7. Enhanced Yield.

With header bidding, you rely less on a single supply-side platform. As an outcome, your total yield boosts due to smarter allowance of impressions and increased fill rate.

.8. Increased Fill Rates.

One primary factor you ought to utilize header bidding is that it exposes you to more marketers. This has the substantial benefit of increasing the opportunities of publishers filling all their advertisement slots.

.9. Much better Transparency.

Advertisers take pleasure in the enhanced openness that header bidding manages. They have access to all the publisher’’ s stock’, and hence understand what ’ s offered and just how much it can cost them. This openness assists marketers make notified bidding choices.

Header bidding has numerous benefits for both marketers and publishers, it’’ s unquestionably worth the effort to execute it.

.What Are the Drawbacks of Header Bidding?

While this kind of bidding may look like the best option for both publishers and marketers to optimize their returns, it does have its disadvantages. Here are the primary ones:

.Increased Latency.

To run header bidding, publishers need to include a script to their website, which can decrease page load speed, leading to a bad user experience. Another caution is that the more marketers that bid on your stock, the more the page latency is impacted.

You can reduce these by following site optimization finest practices to make sure your pages fill much faster .

Increased Management Overheads.

Once you’’ ve established header bidding, it needs close management to guarantee it carries out well. Making sure that your code is working well for all your partners, changing quotes, timeouts, and numerous other jobs are needed to keep your header bidding enhanced.

.Facilities Costs.

Implementing this bidding design can result in increased facilities expenses for SSPs and demand-side platforms (DSPs). One factor for this is the increased load on their servers. Another factor is the needed workers and tools required to run it.

Header bidding might have its downsides, however in general, the pros absolutely surpass the cons.

.How to Implement Header Bidding.

Implementing header bidding for publishers can be a complex procedure. Setting it up bores as it might need you to establish numerous line products of advertisement stock. As stated, this can have an influence on your page load speed . The effects are bad UX for both marketers and site visitors.

Thankfully, there are a number of services for that: wrappers and server-side.

.Header Bidding Wrappers.

Header bidding wrappers are code containers that assist guarantee all auctions begin at the same time and end on time. Wrappers likewise make sure advertisements load asynchronously. This indicates the page’’ s material can fill prior to the advertisements, guaranteeing your site latency doesn’’ t effect visitors

. Server-Side Header Bidding.

Another option is to carry out server-side header bidding.

Traditional header bidding happens client-side (likewise called browser-side), implying it depends upon the internet browser to manage specific networks’ ’ demands. Obviously, this can put a pressure on resources; something header wrappers can assist address.

If lots of networks gain access to the header wrapper, it activates numerous JavaScript procedures that make website load speed suffer.

One method to fix that issue is to restrict the variety of marketers that can bid for your stock. That beats the function of header bidding, as you desire as numerous marketers as possible to get involved.

Server-side header structure is an option to this issue. Server-side header bidding takes the bidding procedure off your web browser and moves it to an external server.

To do this, you should embed code on the back-end of your site. In this manner, all the heavy work is moved from your internet browser to your advertisement server. As an outcome, your internet browser can concentrate on the something it’’ s implied to do: serve your site visitors with material.

One of the most substantial benefits of server-side is that it assists enhance page load times. It likewise assists guarantee a more effective bidding procedure.


Whether you’’ re a publisher or marketer, you must think about a header bidding method.

For marketers, header bidding levels the playing field by permitting everybody to bid relatively, no matter the advertisement network’’ s size.


Publishers guarantee their advertisement stock costs what it’’ s worth. Your main job is to drive traffic to your site and let the bidding code do the heavy lifting of monetizing your site . With header bidding, you won’’ t leave cash on the table, which is a win-win for everybody included.

If you require assistance executing a header bidding method (or perhaps a holistic project that integrates other digital advertisement methods), let our firm understand. Our group of specialists can assist !

Have you attempted header bidding as a publisher or marketer?

What was your experience with it?

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