Although a successful marketing strategy thrives best when there is at least a moderate budget, there are still many free techniques that you and your staff can employ in order to reach a wider audience. An easy way to go about this is by commenting on some of the top blogs within your industry. Try to identify the blogs within your sector that generate the most traffic, and engage with them consistently in order to drive some of said traffic your way.
Key Takeaways:
- A great way to search for relevant backlinks is by finding mentions of your company that don’t happen to be linked back to your brand.
- Old-fashioned sweepstakes may not be as common as they were in the 90’s, but they certainly still bring in large amounts of reputable traffic.
- Instead of focusing on solely acquiring new customers, renew your relationship with your current clientele through upselling.
“The beauty of growth hacking is that it engages alternate methods of growth, methods which are sometimes lower cost.”
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